Monday, October 13, 2008

Blogs In Education

1. When searching for educational blogs, I found more things talking about popular blog sites for teachers, blogs by teachers, and blogs about teaching. There were also a couple of blogs about using technology in the classroom. When looking up Educational Wikis, I found more assignments and projects that can actually be used in the classroom. Acroos the board I got simialr results on the different websites.
2. I like the idea of doing projects through a wiki webquest. There are so many more tools in the students hands when you allow them to work online and at home. I also liked the idea of having studetns set up their own blog. Here they can reflect on class, keep or journal or respond to prompts ffrom the teacher. I also like the idea of using less paper by using the internet to post assignments and projects. Some downsides of using technology in the classroom would be technical difficulites and if students are computer illterate they may fall behind the other students if they do not understand technology.
3. It is an news reader such as headlines. If you are doing a prject on health in the news, students can use these headlines in their projects and understand how to conect the material they are learning to real life situations.

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